Boy oh Boy !!!, its cold here this morning , temp dropped to -3 last night even my bubblewrapped Greenhouse didnt manage to escape the cold , poor wee plants , im quite annoyed with myself I knew it was going to be cold and I meant to go out and cover them with the fleece .
On the bright side the cold weather is certainly pulling in all the wild birds to my garden and my homemade fat cakes are very popular , as you can see even the normally shy Woodpecker was happy to get his photo taken yesterday just to get a bit of the cake !
Ive noticed some of the bulbs are starting to show signs of growth , I had to go out and replant some this morning as a cat had dug them up , ive put short canes in around the ground where they are to try and put the cat off doing this again , I really dont mind cats but wish they would use there own gardens for a toilet ! not much chance of that though !
On the bright side the cold weather is certainly pulling in all the wild birds to my garden and my homemade fat cakes are very popular , as you can see even the normally shy Woodpecker was happy to get his photo taken yesterday just to get a bit of the cake !
Ive noticed some of the bulbs are starting to show signs of growth , I had to go out and replant some this morning as a cat had dug them up , ive put short canes in around the ground where they are to try and put the cat off doing this again , I really dont mind cats but wish they would use there own gardens for a toilet ! not much chance of that though !