Monday, 24 March 2008

Spring ?? Crazy weather !

Well Ive had a great day , the weather is crazy , sun is shining and the snow is falling ! it was 80 in the Greenhouse and I was loving it , infact it was warmer in the Greenhouse than it was in the house !

Im growing Non Stop Begonia's for the first time , my neighbour was putting these tubers in the bin and asked me if I would like them , I put them in an old container , covered them with compost and put them at the back of the Greenhouse , I put them in pots last week and put them in the central heating cupboard , as you can see they are starting to grow , pipping is the correct term im told .
The Tomatoes are also coming on well , the ones here in the picture are Minibell , I grew them last year and loved them .
In fact everything is growing well , im so happy , I love getting up every morning and going into the Greenhouse to check on all my little babies , how privileged I am to be able to watch all this beauty growing , its my little patch of heaven on earth .

Would be nice to recieve some comments , so please feel free to say Hi

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Homemade Compost

My lovely hubby kindly emptied the compost bin for me this morning and Im well chuffed with it , I spread it around my Fucshia bed and it looks great , time to start refilling the bin again for next year ! lol

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Crazy Weather

Its quite a nice day , I worked in the Greenhouse most of the day ,really enjoyed it , gave the place a bit of a tidy up its surprising how quickly it gets untidy , all the seeds are coming on well and I made a start on the Hanging Baskets . Britain is to be battered by storms tonight so dont know what we will wake up to tomorrow