Friday 23 February 2007

February 2007


Started off Salvia seeds , they came through quickly , got 19 of them , got them in a mixed pkt from poundland
Started off Pansy seeds
Started off Herbs , Basil , Thyme , Chives and Mediterranean Herbs
Started off Godetia and Snapdragon seeds

Started off Alyssum seeds

Its a beautiful sunny day , quite mild .
All the above seeds have germinated and are growing well , really struggling for room now , going to have to heat the Greenhouse soon and get them all out . Started off Spinach in the Greenhouse today .

Heating Greenhouse as from today
Its been a nice day , got loads done , potted up all the cuttings that I took earlier in the year , only lost a couple so im well chuffed ,also transfered Salvia seedlings into a bigger tray , got 19 of them . put them all out in the Grennhouse and im starting to heat it as from today .
Started off Christines Mums tomato plants and im soaking sweetpeas over night .( Floral Tribute ) made up newspaper pots and sowed the sweetpeas in them next day , so I can just put them straight into the ground , paper will just decompose .
So far I have 53 Fushia , 22 Geranium Aristo , 26 geraniums , 21 from a seed pkt 5 from last years plants

Very cold last night
Real hard frost last night , lost my 4 Aubergine plants , thats what I get for being so keen and starting things off early ! I knew I should have waited another couple of weeks so I was able to keep things in the house longer , ive started off more Aubergine seeds this afternoon , I have the heater in the Greenhouse up a little higher tonight and covered the plants with newspaper to see if it helps keep the cold from them a little better
Tidied up the garden a bit , and had a go at making a flower box from old fence boards , it was okay for a first attempt .

Lots of rain showers today but in between them its been really sunny and very warm in the greenhouse , havent had to heat it today at all , I started off 2 hanging baskets with ivy cuttings , I want then to be really long by the time they have to go out , also transplanted little seedlings into bigger trays , 80 Godetia and 43 Blue Infinity .

January 2007

The Beginning.

The year has began with rain and gales , we spent many days and nights replacing broken panes of glass and the plastic , many trees have been blown down and the garden is flooded , bulbs are starting to appear I just hope they survive this awful weather .

Started off 12 Chilli ( Cayenne Pepper ) and 12 Aubergine ( Black Beauty ) seeds today .

Started off 24 cuttings ( Johns plant ) all in yogurt tubs , 4 to a tub , on the landing windowsill.

Lovely day , the sun is shining , there was a frost so its quite chilly .
Started off Coreopisis they are seeds from the flower in the garden last year and can take up to 3 months to grow .
Also bought some seeds at Klondyke , Nicotiana , and seeds that I had seen on line, Tomato Cherry Black and Tigerella , I grew Tigerella years ago and really liked them . got some seeds from Poundland yesterday 6 diff seeds in one pack , Alyssum, Marigold , Lobelia , Stock , Viloa , Salvia , also got 2 blocks of coconut compost you add water to it and it makes up to 10 litres of compost , will try it out . It holds water really well and may be good for tubs and hanging baskets .
Looks like Chilli and Aubergine seeds have germinated ive put them on James bedroom windowsill , potted on 4 Aubergine seedlings in the coconut compost they seem to be doing well .

Took around 60 cuttings today of Fushia , Bizzie Lizzie and 3 Geraniums , made a mixture of compost and coconut fibre .

Got some more of the coconut fibre compost from Poundland this morning , 2 bags of compost from Lidl along with a pkt of Sweet Peppers ( California Wonder 29p , sown today ) went down to Klondyke and got a pkt of Geranium £1.99 for 25 seeds I also got paraffin while I was there .Potted up 6 chilli plants all grew well so far .

Started off seeds tonight , Monarda ( Bee's Favourite)100seeds , Nepta Transcaucasica ( Blue infinity )45 seeds and Geum ( Blazing Sunset )15 seeds .