Thursday, 3 January 2008

Happy New Year , Lang may yer Lum Reek !

Well here we are another year has begun , what are we in for this year I ask myself ? One thing for sure, it will not be boring in the Garden ! what a year 2007 was eh ? One tomato I got ! lol, the only consolation I have is I was not alone , I do feel sorry for first timers , all I can say to you is ....give it another go ! I was determind I was not going to go near Tomato plants ever again ..but.. there is nothing to beat walking into your Greenhouse and picking your own fresh Tomatoes and Salad stuff so maybe il just grow a couple of plants , also im going back to the " old faithfulls " for plants . I love Dhalias they never let me down , Marigolds , Lobelia , Rudbeckia and of course Fuchsia .

Ive joined a site called Grows On You ( ) please take a look at it , its great everyone is so friendly , ive met some fantastic people I would never have met without joining this site , there is a guy called David , he created a Yellow Brick Road theme in his garden for his children , its amazing , I loved following his story all year and cant wait to see what he is going to get up to this year

Well hope you all had a good Christmas and I wish you all Good Health and much Happiness in 2008 , Lang may yer lum reek! (A salutation wishing long life and prosperity. Literally, long may your chimney smoke. )
And of course .......Happy Gardening !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello weemamabell,
I am impressed with your page/site, you certainly have made an excelent display of your pictures. Perhaps Peter or Ajay should take a look as the way your pictures move without having to click on them is amazing (maybe a possibility for growsonyou?)
Enjoyed looking at your page/site, sure i'll be visiting again.
Best wishes marksbegonias.